Are Dental Implants Right For Me

Most patients are surprised that surgery involving dental implants is usually not as painful or uncomfortable as they may have anticipated. Dental implants serve the purpose of replacing the tooth root when placed inside the jawbone. Once the implant has healed a tooth or teeth that look natural will be attached to these implants. These implants offer strength of the standard tooth system.

Typical dental implants are constructed out of titanium that fuses to the bone directly. This process is known as osseo-integration which basically refers to the implant been fused with bone. The screw shape of the implant makes a few patients feel uncomfortable, but when conducted in the correct manner the process is just about painless.

Once implants have been inserted, x-rays are taken in order to ensure the implant has been placed correctly, before the gums close. Once healed, the implants fuse to the bones and this is the stage that the artificial teeth are right for attachment. Dental implants are in many instances life-changing. An improvement in appearance often increases a person’s self-confidence.

What You Need To Know Before Considering Dental Implants

If you have suffered the misfortune of losing one or more of your teeth, one of the options available to you, would be dental implants. This procedure involves a periodontist surgeon or surgeon that places artificial teeth which are surgically fused into your jawbone. This is regarded as a viable long-term solution for replacing teeth. Not so long ago, when you lost teeth, your options were limited to removable dentures or a fixed-bridge. The fixed bridge options are reliant on the teeth on either side of the lost tooth as they serve the purpose of an anchor. This particular process can impact negatively on these teeth into the future. Dentures that you are able to remove can either slip out or make a clicking sound when you want to speak.

The dental implants constructed out of titanium fuses into the jawbone and serves as a root in a missing tooth. Unlike, dentures or fixed bridges that often need replacing up to 3 times during your lifetime, the dental implants are extremely durable and very rarely need replacement.

The Benefits Of Implants:

•They Look Natural

Dental implants are significantly superior over dentures and bridges, they stay in place and actually appear as natural teeth. You may after time forget that you even lost the real teeth.

•They Save The Adjacent Teeth

Due to the fact that dental implants are not anchored onto each tooth next to the missing tooth, they are able to preserve overall integrity in regards to healthy teeth.

•They Boost Confidence

There is often something extremely embarrassing about the slippage and noise of dentures. When it comes to dental implants they are firmly rooted into position and will remain this way for decades to come or your entire lifetime.

•Dental Implants Are Reliable

You never have to be concerned about losing your implants like dentures. In addition, unlike the bridges you will not be subjected to having them replaced as frequently.

What To Expect

Dental implants are not a quick procedure. Here is what you can expect:

•A comprehensive dental examination which includes impressions made from your upper or lower jaw or both followed by X-rays.

•The next step includes a treatment plan and your dentist will work with you to devise the right treatment plan. Before your procedure, your dentist takes into consideration the health of the jawbone and the amount of teeth that you need replacing. Once the procedure is complete, your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for your implants. This will include flossing, brushing and how to prevent the build-up of plaque.

•Procedure-The placement of dental implants takes a number of surgical procedures that all in all can take anything from 3 to 9 months, sometimes more. The journey may be lengthy, but a lot of this time is dedicated to healing and time to allow for new bone growth in the jaw.

•Once healed, abutments are placed which is followed by implanting a crown or prosthesis.

•During these procedures you are given anesthesia which is typically sedation, general or local anesthesia.